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Drake host Devon Training and Bradley Stoke visit

Writer's picture: Ross TaylorRoss Taylor

So the end of the summer holiday can only mean one thing … back into judo training! Some of us didn’t get a break but for those that did, it’s been a return to the dojo with a bump. Drake Judo Club has been spreading the love over the last few months and the first couple of weeks back were BIG.

There was a big session right from the off, with a visit from Bradley Stoke Judo Club (down for the weekend from Bristol) and our neighbours, Hoshi Judo Club, which meant lots of judoka on the tatami at all levels. Some rivalries were renewed but much more importantly, new friendships were made. For anyone with aspirations for success in the Western Area, the BSJC judoka are right up there at the top of the pile. Plans are being tentatively discussed for a reciprocal visit, so keep an eye on the Facebook pages or the web site for updates.

If the BSJC / Hoshi visit wasn’t enough, the following weekend saw Drake Judo Club hosting training sessions for the crème of Devon. The Under 12 session was fierce, with a great representation of DJC judoka giving it beans, but the Over 12s was something else according to the witness accounts! The Devon team was also selected at the same time and DJC has two team members – Alanna and Jack. Hugh congratulations to both of you. The visiting judoka made use of the superb Lifecentre facilities afterwards with a swim!

And the epic weekends continued with the next round of gradings. Well done to Bogdan and Lottie (5th Mon), Edgar, Will and Jake (4th Mon), Lucy (3rd Mon), Ella (2nd Mon), Adiel (1stMon), Nate (Sho 7) and Thea (Sho 4). The big kids also got into the act with Dan and Andy (4th Kyu) and yours truly (5th Kyu). Dan’s and Andy’s orange belt grading took so long that Matt has to wait until next week ….. no pressure!

We’ve also been seeing a lot of new faces on the tatami over these weeks. Thank you for sticking with us whilst we have had these special events – it’s not always this chaotic (well not all the time, honest!). Welcome to the Drake Judo Club family! If anyone has any questions, just ask anyone wearing a DJC hoodie – our names are on the back.

What a September … and the judo just keeps coming in October with the next InterClub on 2nd October, the Devon team fighting at the Western Area team competition on 16thOctober (good luck Alanna & Jack!) and the judo ninja is back on the road too! There are a few competitions that look promising (if they run) for our judoka of all ages and skill; so keep your ears open at practice for any announcements and eyes on the web site for updates.

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